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You don't have to navigate to loss of your spouse alone.

Your Estate

Making changes to your estate is very important for your well being and protection. Let us help you ensuring that your legacy is protected and your paperwork is in order.

Your Retirement

Knowing what your retirement will look like in the event that you lose your spouse can be challenging. Let us help you organize  Social Security, 401(k), IRAs and pension plans and put together a cohesive roadmap to your income and investments.

Your Future

Everything we create is built with simplicity in mind. We've done our best to only include the customization options you need.

Read Recent Articles on Financial Planning

Picking The Right Retirement Date

June 26, 2018

Do you have an idea of when you want to retire? Whether you have that or are still in the process, Jon and Karyn talk about the factors you need to take into account when deciding when to pull the trigger and making sure that the decision you make is the right one for you.

Like the Idea of Retiring Sooner?

June 22, 2018

Who doesn’t, right? Even though more Americans are retiring later, more people would prefer to call it quits sooner. But that’s easier said than done – especially if you don’t have a rock solid plan to do it. Today Jon discusses the things you can’t overlook if you plan to retire early. Including trying to save more, allowing for health care until Medicare eligibility kicks in, and seven other factors you need to have locked down if retiring sooner rather than later.

Four Pathways to Retire with Confidence

June 9, 2018

People get excited about the idea of retirement – but they may also question whether their nest egg can handle it. Jon and Karyn discuss the questions people have such as whether investment decisions are the best ones, or how to pay for healthcare and cover taxes. Making sure your money is positioned properly will help make sure your retirement will be everything you want it to be.

Maneuvers For Heading Into Retirement

May 14, 2018

People are looking for ways to make their lives better – and if they are quick and easy, that’s even better. On this week’s episode of Retirement Evolved Jon and Karyn discuss some of the easy ways you can position your money so that you are optimally prepared when your retirement arrives.

Eight Pillars to A Sound Retirement Strategy

May 7, 2018

They include assets, income, protection and more. They are the features of building a retirement plan in a similar way that a house is built – with a strong foundation. Jon and Karyn talk about all of these pillars that go into your retirement foundation and the best ways they can work for you and your plan.

Get More Bang For Your Annuity Banking Buck

April 30, 2018

Annuities can provide guaranteed income for retirement, one of the few instruments which can do so. But are they worth it, given some of the costs like commissions, or fees, or other penalties which surround having one? Jon and Karyn discuss this issue and provide tips on how you can determine if an annuity is right for your situation.

Are you ready to secure your envisioned retirement?

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