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Listen to Retirement Evolved, our weekly podcast, hosted by Jon Magoch.

Eight Pillars of a Sound Retirement Strategy

Retirement planning is like building a house – it needs a strong foundation. In this case, the foundation of a good retirement plan features eight specific pillars to build on – things like assets, income, and protective features that retirees need. Jon and Karyn go over what they are and how they fit into a plan to be sure your retirement goes as smoothly as possible.

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Protect Your Retirement From Sneak Attacks

Unexpected developments can derail your retirement assets – things such as kids living at home longer than anticipated, the rising cost of both college (for the kids) and long term care (for parents, or maybe yourself). Not to mention that today’s retirement strategies are different than those of a generation ago. Jon and Karyn go over these and many more scenarios that your plan should take into consideration as retirement draws closer.

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Fixing Eight Common Money Mistakes

Allocating enough for medical expenses, paying too much in fees, making the right investments – all of these and more could cost you when it comes to building a retirement nest egg. Jon and Karyn go over the most common mistakes when it comes to retirement finances and how to either fix or avoid them, so you can rest easy when it comes to your money.

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Eight Retirement Money Assumptions

In planning for retirement, certain assumptions must be made in accounting for income, investments, longevity and the like. Today Jon and Karyn talk about the things which need to be taken into account and how to be sure they are well supported and applied the right way for any appropriate situation.

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Moving Up Your Retirement Date

Many people would love to be able to retire sooner than later. If you are one of them, Jon and Karyn have nine strategies designed to help get you in a position to do just that.

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Social Security Myths Debunked

There is a lot to know about Social Security – and a lot of misinformation about it. Today Jon and Karyn sort out what the truth is and what the myths are about this nearly universal program.

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Four Areas of Retirement Where Professional Advice Can Be a Difference Maker

If you look on the internet, you can find step-by-step instructions to do almost anything. But what about retirement planning? You can get a lot of information but putting the final plan together is something best done with professional help and guidance. Today Jon and Karyn provide four areas where a financial pro can be most valuable in getting things in shape for your post-working years.

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Four Pathways to Retire with Confidence

You may be getting near the finish line and set to retire. But are the investment decisions you have made the right ones for you? Jon and Karyn look at four strategies which explore retirement expenses and ways to address them, to protect against unnecessary risks and allow the right growth pathways for that valuable nest egg.

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Are You Taking On Enough, Too Much or the Right Amount of Risk?

Risk is a necessary element of any retirement plan – because investing in things like stocks which can decrease in value can also give you big increases. Today Jon and Karyn talk about how to manage the risks involved to your own tolerances to give you the right plan with the right amount of risk so that your money will be there whenever you need it.

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Defend Your Retirement From Sneak Attacks

What sneak attacks could try to derail your retirement plans? Well, some include long-term care and other health costs, or kids coming back home as adults. Jon and Karyn discuss these and a number of other things which could throw your retirement plans for a loop if they are not addressed or planned for.

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